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Essays and Articles (1910-1929)


Below is the first half of a list of Sigrid Undset's articles and essays as published by Aschehoug and edited by Liv Biksrud. These appear through four volumes (Essays og Artikler), each spanning a decade. What might seem a rather boring post to you I expect will be a hand reference to me, and forced me to at least translate the titles! It is interesting to note the list begins with impressions of Rome, but leads to Roman (Catholic) polemics from the time of her conversion (1924).


Barna i Aracoeli

The Children of Aracoeli

Pinse i Rom

A Roman Pentecost

Père Lachaise og Belleville

Father Lachaise and Belleville

Utover takene

Beyond the rooftops

Jeanne de France

Joan of France



Røveren på korset

The Thief on the Cross

Bamberg i det gamle romantiske land - I

Bamberg in the Old Romantic Country (Part I)


Bamberg i det gamle romantiske land - II

Bamberg in the Old Romantic Country (Part II)

Hva mener forfatterne om sine egne bøker?

What do Authors Think about their own Books?

Sigrid Undset om Jenny

Sigrid Undset on Jenny


Noen kvinnesaksbetraktninger

Some Considerations of Women

Georg Brandes

Georg Brandes [Danish literary critic]


Childhood Impressions



The Discussion on Morality

Dikken Zwilgmeyer

Dikken Zwilgmeyer [Norwegian fiction author]


Den moderne kvinne

The Modern Woman

Hedre din far og din mor

Honour thy Father and thy Mother

Seksuell undervisning på skolen

Sex Education in Schools


Barnemordet. Svar til Knut Hamsun

Infanticide. A Reply to Knut Hamsun [pioneer in subjectivist psychological literature]


Children’s Rules

To nye menn

Two New Men


The Woman of Kristiania [Oslo]

Kong Artur

King Arthur


Enter barnehjelpsdagen

Child Welfare Day

Tjenestepiker - husdamer

Maids and Housewives


Hundre år. Fra Jane Austen til Henrik Ibsen

A Century. From Jane Austen to Henrik Ibsen

Tre søstre

Three Sisters


Kvinnene og krigen

Women and War

Der gamle Grekenland

Ancient Greece

Minda Ramm: Fotfæstet

Minda Ramm: Her Foothold



Elin Wägner: Åsa-Hanna

Åsa-Hanna, by Elin Wägner


The Streets



Conceptual Confusion

Ytterligere begrepsforvirring

Further Conceptual Confusion

Efterskrift til et kvinnesynpunkt

Epilogue to a Woman’s Point of View


Vettakollen [a suburb of Oslo]

Abase Kristofersen: Dragsug

Dragsug, by Abase Kristofersen

Charles Kent: Dagdrømmen

Dagdrømmen [Daydreams], by Charles Kent [Norwegian author and literary critic]

Kristian Elster: Av Skyggernes Slegt

Av Skyggernes Slegt, by Kristian Elster [Norwegian novelist and literary critic]

Opplysninger og kommentarer

Information and Commentary


Sankt Olav

Saint Olaf


Om Folkeviser

On Folk Songs

Kvinnene og politikken

Women and Politics


Aftenskole for dekorativ kunst

Night School for Decorative Arts

Henrik Mathiesen - Trøndelags historiograf

Henrik Mathiesen, the Historiographer of Trøndelag

Laugsvesen og åndsfrihet

The Guilds and Intellectual Freedom


Moderne feillesning av Kristin Lavransdatter erotikk

A Modern Misreading of the Erotic in Kristin Lavransdatter

Hellig Olav

Saint Olaf

Den hellige Birgitta og Norge

St Brigit of Sweden and Norway

Andreas Bollerud. En bondekomponist

Andreas Bollerud: A Peasant Composer

Oslo og vår by

Oslo and our City


Strømmen tyner

The Flow is Ebbing

Agnes Slott-Møller

Agnes Scott-Møller [Danish painter]


St Torfinns kapell, Hamar

The Chapel of St Torfinn in Hamar

Norges kirke og norsk kultur i middelalderen

The Norwegian Church and Norwegian Culture of the Middle Ages

Peter Egge: Hansine Solstad

Hansine Solstad, by Peter Egge

Det moderne frisinn

The Modern Liberalism

Første kveld på Montecasino

The First Evening at Montecasino


Arven som må løftes. I anledning biskop Gleditsch’s uttalelser

A Legacy to be Changed. On the Occasion of Bishop Gleditsch’s Statements


The Church’s Legacy

Er Romerkirken moderkirken i Norge?

Is the Catholic Church the Modern Church in Norway?

Fransiskanerne i Norge

The Franciscans in Norway

Gösta af Geijerstam: Iva Storgaarden

Iva Storgaarden, by Gösta af Geijerstam [Norwegian author and painter]

Johannes Jørgensen

Johannes Jørgensen [Danish Catholic convert and hagiographer]

Sommerdager på Sankta Sunnivas

Summer Days at Saint Sunnivas


Mariazell. Om Mariadyrkelsen

Mariazell. On the Veneration of Mary

Den attende salme

The Eighth Psalm

Hva katolikkene mener om Luther. I anledning av sogneprest Sigurd Normanns foredrag

What Catholics Think about Luther. On the Occasion of Pastor Sigurd Normann’s Lecture

Katolsk propaganda

Catholic Propaganda

Svar til erkebiskop Söderblom

Reply to Archbishop Söderblom

Maria Coronel de Agreda. Et meksikansk mysterium

Maria Coronel de Agreda. The Mexican Mystery


Mater et Filia. Lysmessetanker

Mother and Daughter. Thoughts on Candlemas

Reisebrev fra Nord-England: Durham og Hexham

A Travelogue from North England: Durham and Hexham

Les Prix Nobel en 1928

The Nobel Prizes of 1928

Trosskiftet i Norge og den katolske kirke

Conversion in Norway and the Catholic Church

Hellighet og vår tid

Holiness and our Time

Margaret Clitherow

[St] Margaret Clitherow [biography of the English Reformation martyr of York]

Julebetraktning. Puer natus est nobis

Christmas Meditation. Unto Us a Child is Given


Sankt Hallvard

Saint Hallvard

Sankta Sunniva og Seljemennene

Saint Sunniva and the Men of Selje

Kong Olavs skald

King Olaf’s Poet

Robert Southwell SJ - prest, dikter, martyr

[St] Robert Southwell, SJ: Priest, Poet, Martyr [of the English Reformation]

Til Sankt Jakob. Forslag til en ny andakt

To Saint James. Suggestions for a New Devotion

Sankt Magnus Orknøjarl

Saint Magnus, the Earl of Orkney



Danielle Coon
Danielle Coon
Jan 01, 2024

Are there English translations of these? Or at least some? It's so hard to find any of Undset's essays in English, but they are incredible!

Jan 20, 2024
Replying to

Hi Danielle, there are a few in the Sigrid Undset - on Saints and Sinners (San Francisco: Ignatius, 1993). Also in her Stages on the Road (Notre Dame: Ave Maria Press, 2012). Unfortunately, that's about it that's available now in English, though I've translated a number of articles in full and large sections of others.

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